The Bay State Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

As the racial tumult of 2020 unfolded across the nation, it could not extinguish the messages of hope and healing that arose amid the rhetoric of hate. One of those messages was right here in Massachusetts—a planned construction of a memorial to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his wife, Coretta Scott King. Written for Dimensions, published by Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Commonwealth of Massachusetts/Office of Diversity and Civil Rights, 2021 (p. 17).

My Big Break: "Lovin' Lucy, Ralph, Jed, and Andy"

In 1983, when I was just a babe, I pitched and wrote a cover story for USA Today about this new thing called ‘retro TV’ detailing the public’s growing nostalgia for vintage programming. My story appeared a full year before Nick at Nite hit the airwaves. I still think they owe me money.

NOTE: Hang on, I'm still searching for a copy of this one! (I'll have to rifle through the family cookbooks; they're where my mother tucked away her precious keepsakes, and I think this article is stuck between her recipes for New England Finnan Haddie and No-Fail Fudge.)